Yes, every one of these actually happened to me. Some days, it feels like I’ve made every webinar mistake in the book! I’m sharing my epic fails to help you skip these mistakes and head right toward becoming a webinar expert, one who presents with the confidence and authority you need to use webinars to sell more of your products and services. Enjoy!
Business Development
Taking Care of You—Yes, You!—On Your Journey as an Entrepreneur
As entrepreneurs, we have the amazing opportunity to design our own professional lives. You run the show and make the decisions that will create and maintain the lifestyle you want. One of the most important aspects of the entrepreneurial lifestyle—one we often overlook—is how you support yourself. As you succeed in your professional life, you also want to make sure you are maintaining you—the person behind the scenes who has wants, needs and responsibilities outside of your business. Here are four tips—things I’ve learned from my own experience that I’d like to pass on to you. My hope is that […]
From My Dad to Me, to You: The Entrepreneurs’ Survival Guide
The following were written in November 1997 by my dad, William Bigler, who was a highly successful process engineer and project manager for Corning, Inc. for over 40 years. These principles are a compilation of the most important lessons he learned about product manufacturing, project management—and life. He shared them with me, and now I’m sharing them with you.
The Five Keys to Finding Leverage in Your Business
Perspective is a great thing. My husband and I just finished an intense four-month push to launch our new product and business (Make, Market, Launch IT). In my last post, I shared my biggest mindset lessons. Now, I want to share some distinctions around the business side of things – and where the biggest points of leverage are for you. First of all, information product/online marketing industry is a crazy one. Those of us in the industry are so conditioned to think, and even expect, that a new product launch will do millions of dollars in revenue. (And that a […]