After a recent livecast with Mike Koenigs, Ed Rush, Bo Eason and the amazing customers we have in our community, I thought of something Tony Robbins used to say a lot: "The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the expectations of your peer group. Choose your peers wisely." That quote has always resonated with me. It’s also why I choose to surround myself with extraordinary people like Mike and Ed. They challenge me, surprise me and support me so I can’t help but be at my best. (And they also make sure I have fun along the […]
How to Stay at the Forefront of Trends: The Ultimate System to Turn Your Ideas Into Income
Getting results with organic social media is getting tougher. A few opt-ins on your site are no longer cutting it for building your list. Customers are becoming more skeptical with offers. I’ve love to say that product development and marketing has stayed the same over the years, but I have to tell you: After 20-plus years creating products, the industry is constantly evolving. So how do you keep up?
The Real Stories Behind Make Market Launch IT
It’s amazing what you can do when you have the right knowledge, focus and determination. Take my friend, Dr. Rick Loos, an in-demand chiropractor who dreamed of creating the ideal pillow to help his clients sleep better. Dr. Rick spent years researching and testing and talking with experts in the pillow manufacturing industry. Five years and 77 prototypes later, the Proper Pillow was born. And that was just the beginning! Now Dr. Rick has a book coming out, and is well on his way to scaling to a $10 million business.
It’s Now Faster, Easier and More Profitable to Make, Market and Launch Your Product
I’m excited to announce the all-new video training series I created with my business partner (and friend!), Mike Koenigs. In our latest video, we’ll show you our 7-step process to making money with your ideas—and building a REAL business around your products that runs without you having to be there all the time.