Perspective is a great thing. My husband and I just finished an intense four-month push to launch our new product and business (Make, Market, Launch IT). In my last post, I shared my biggest mindset lessons. Now, I want to share some distinctions around the business side of things – and where the biggest points of leverage are for you. First of all, information product/online marketing industry is a crazy one. Those of us in the industry are so conditioned to think, and even expect, that a new product launch will do millions of dollars in revenue. (And that a […]
What’s the Single Biggest Commodity in Your Business Today?
I’ve been dark these past few weeks after finishing my first major launch. I wanted to have some time to both recover and think through what I could share that would have the most value to you. Of course, what immediately comes to mind are all the distinctions about how to maximize squeeze pages, split test your offer, use webcasts to increase sales, manage affiliates, and so on. But as I was thinking about this, I realized that there’s something deeper I want to share – something that I believe is the single most important thing in your business today.
Holiday Bonus: 21 Tips for Moving Your Business Forward
I have heard people tell me a million times that you can only build on success. So I can see where it might be kinda weird to be sending out a message highlighting my biggest shortcomings as a business person—especially this time of year. However, this slideshow is a great reminder of how far a business can come in a year. And yes, everything in this slideshow is based on something I learned, in most cases, the hard way.
The 3×3 Format
To get what you want in this business, you have to keep your eye out for the fastest path to results. If you’re not churning out small chunks of quality content on an ongoing basis, you’re likely not keeping up with your competition. So how do you create short bits of content that add maximum value to your clients in the minimum amount of time?