We are well into the New Year, and I wanted to help you keep your momentum by sharing some keys to set yourself up for a happy, successful and prosperous year. I’ve been spending a lot of time lately talking with customers and colleagues—and let’s face it, working on my own business as well.
Holiday Bonus: 21 Tips for Moving Your Business Forward
I have heard people tell me a million times that you can only build on success. So I can see where it might be kinda weird to be sending out a message highlighting my biggest shortcomings as a business person—especially this time of year. However, this slideshow is a great reminder of how far a business can come in a year. And yes, everything in this slideshow is based on something I learned, in most cases, the hard way.
Change Your Thinking
Even though it’s the holidays, the lessons never stop, so I also want to share what I learned from what I’m now referring to as the “Great Transcription Debacle of 2011.”
When Times Get Tough
As I was preparing my usual strategy training for you, I hit a small rough patch in my business . . . or so I thought. So rather than pretend I’m feeling great and do my normal thing, I thought I’d bail on my plan and tell you what’s really been on my mind.