As you may know, I’ve been producing a course on Coach John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success for SUCCESS magazine. This week, I’m going to make it personal. 🙂 I’m going to introduce you to the Pyramid and use it to share my biggest weakness (!) and my biggest strength.
3 Cs to Deliver for Your Customer, Every Time
When it comes to taking care of your customers, it all starts with expectations: What level of service do they anticipate? Because as we all know, customer service can make your business: —Customers who encounter positive social customer care experiences are nearly 3 times more likely to recommend a brand, according to the joint Nielsen-McKinsey venture NM Incite. —Three out of four consumers have spent more with a business due to a history of good customer service, according to Ebiquity research.
5 Tips for Conducting Outstanding Interviews
Legendary talk show host Jack Paar once said: “Don’t do interviews.” “Interviews are boring,” Paar would say. “Make it a conversation.” Whether you are using interviews as part of your product or course or you have a podcast or serve as a producer for a third-party project, you never want to feel like your interview is stilted or forced—you want it to flow like you are talking to an old friend.
Top 5 Problems and Solutions for Every Online Business Owner
According to Bloomberg, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months. I want you to be the two out of the 10 that succeed. So today I’ve got the five biggest problems—with SOLUTIONS