As schools gear up across the States this month, teachers are presumably asking themselves something that is also on the mind of most business owners: How do I command attention and keep my audience (class) engaged?
How I Plan for Videos, Webinars and Events to Deliver Massive Value
I consider myself a planning FREAK. This extends to both my work and home lives—trips for the kids, holidays and more. This fervor really manifests itself when I am sitting down to plan my content delivery. Over the years I’ve honed my systems for preparing for what I like to call my BIG THREE, and I’m sharing those with you today so you can deliver massive value to your own audiences, every time.
Three Business-Building Books to Pick Up This Summer
Want to know what separates the top entrepreneurs from the rest of the field? Simple, really. They read. In a recent Gallup study of 1,000 entrepreneurs, “knowledge-seeker” made it on a short list of the top 10 qualities of highly successful entrepreneurs. And what better way to seek knowledge but through the power of books.
The One “Aha” That Changed the Way I Do Business
My most recent “aha” moment happened in my client’s kitchen. (Weird place to have a big revelation, right?) I thought we were just goofing around, but I’m so glad I looked deeper. Because this “aha” REALLY changed the way I look at how I work—and how I live. In fact, it made me realize that SO many entrepreneurs are doing this ONE thing wrong.