When it comes to questions, are you using the Force or giving into the Dark Side? In other words: Are questions taking your marketing to the next level, or jeopardizing your sales? Today we have a two-for-one: 5 ways to harness the amazing power of questions, and then we switch gears to talk about the 5 areas where questions can kill your sales.
What You Need to “Wow” Your Audience with Your Signature Talk
Procrastination can be a killer when it keeps us from moving forward and making true progress. But every now and then, procrastination can set the scene for a "happy accident" that sparks something new. That happened to me the day I took a step away from my to-do list to check in on my youngest son, Ben, who had a report due on a famous Californian for his 4th grade open house. He wanted to focus on one of the greatest football players of all time (that’s my boy!)—but first he had to convince his teacher to let him pick […]
5 Ways to Perfect Your Message and Make a Deeper Connection with Your Customers
You never forget your first time. Speaking, that is. 🙂 It happened like this: Tony Robbins turned to me the night before a big event and said, “Pam, you know this content inside and out. You’re on tomorrow to teach it.” How would you feel? I was nervous beyond belief! And although I did know the content and I delivered a good talk, I wish I knew then what I know now.
7 Conversion Hacks to Get Results Now
It happens every time: When I’m fresh from an event—even my own!—I leave absolutely pulsating with ideas, tips and tools. This past weekend’s Make Market Launch IT LIVE! event was no exception. In this case of today’s blog, I got inspired by one of our attendees who joined Mike Koenigs and me on stage for one of our Hot Seat coaching segments. He said he was doing well in his business but was looking for some tweaks that would improve his sales. I thought it was a really smart request, so I wanted to sit down and quickly record my […]