Sometimes, the best business advice comes when you’re least expecting it. When my husband and I met with our financial advisor the other day, I had a burning question I asked her. Her answer floored me—it not only changed how I view my finances, but completely shifted my approach to business!
How to Get Unstuck—With a Business Spa Day
Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’re doing a lot of stuff, yet you’re not getting to that next level of success in your business. Maybe you want to increase your revenue, grow your client base or put in fewer hours—with even better results. But no matter what you do, you just feel . . . STUCK. This is such a common problem for entrepreneurs, and it’s a big reason why many of my consulting clients hire me. The cure? A Business Spa Day!
What’s Your Trust Score with Customers?
When it comes to making your customers happy, it really comes down to one thing: Honesty. According to a study by PR firm Cohn & Wolfe, the most important behavior that customers would like to see from brands is “communicating honestly about products and services.” That’s it. So simple yet sometimes brands get it so wrong (see Volkswagen, FIFA, BP).
STOP Doing This in 2017 (Plus, 3 Hot Trends You Need to Jump On)
New Year’s can be a time when it’s easy to pile on new obligations, new resolutions and new strategies. I’m all for starting new projects in the new year (more from me on that in the coming weeks!), but I’m also all for stopping whatever’s not working. How else are you going to find the resources for new, innovative strategies?