Inspiration can strike in the funniest places, so why not store holiday window displays? Take the story of “Wite-Out.” Dallas secretary and single mom Bette Nesmith Graham got the idea for a white, water-based tempera paint to cover up her typing errors while watching painters decorate her bank employer’s windows.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Selling (and Embraced Webinars)
When it comes to selling, my husband does it right. With Chris, it’s not about making a quick buck or getting the sale at all costs. For Chris, it’s about serving that potential customer—at the highest level. Chris completely changed my outlook on sales, so much so that he inspired me to record this newest video lesson.
5 Steps to Creating Top Notch Video at a Bargain Price
When it comes to content marketing, videos rule the roost. As a content and product marketer I know video is one of the most powerful mediums to build a connection, and influence sales. In fact, according to Invodo, 52 percent of consumer said that watching product videos gave them more confidence when buying. This is one of the main reasons I switched to a consistent video blog more than a year ago.
Good v. Evil (Marketing): 10 Ways Questions Can Make or Break Your Business
When it comes to questions, are you using the Force or giving into the Dark Side? In other words: Are questions taking your marketing to the next level, or jeopardizing your sales? Today we have a two-for-one: 5 ways to harness the amazing power of questions, and then we switch gears to talk about the 5 areas where questions can kill your sales.