A recent study from Marketing Sherpa proved that people spend 100% more time on pages with videos on them. Translation? You need to be filming videos.
I get it. Video doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Being in front of the camera can be awkward. I wrestle with all kinds of emotions and uncertainty every. single. time. I. film.
But here’s what can make it a whole lot easier . . . A good teleprompter setup.
I’ll show you my 7 best secrets this week so you can start filming more videos—and better videos—and grabbing more mind share from your audience.
A great video strategy can go a long way in boosting your brand’s awareness, value and product marketing efforts.
And since I know you’re going to ask, I’ll also tell you what teleprompter software I use, as well as some of the best teleprompter apps you may want to try. Check it out by clicking below!
Also, don’t forget to leave a comment below and share prompter tip of your own! I love hearing from you. And if you have a friend or colleague who uses video often and could benefit from these tips, please share this training with them!
show us your set-up !!!!! Will it be in the next video???
Great PRO tips Pam! Thanks for sharing. You’re obviously a natural at using them!
This was an awesome video!
I needed this! I am cracking up as I can TOTALLY relate!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!! 😀 (I haven’t gotten past 30 seconds in!)
Thank you again for all the information. Your hacks always save the most time for me.
Thanks for the great tips, Pam! You mentioned a monitor that fits over the lens. What is it? Is there one for a smartphone?
Thanks for the shout out, Pam. I LOVED the content and really appreciate how responsive to info requests you are. Excellent.
Kirk, I appreciated the question – it was a good one as I’ve struggled mightily with the prompter (and video in general) in my career. Happy to answer any good questions (like yours) that come through! 🙂
Great tips, Pam Hendrickson.
I agree using a teleprompter is a great skill but one worth developing.
I knew I made it, when a friend of mine said “your videos are so spontaneous without a teleprompter”.
WhooHoo! Success – I was using a teleprompter!
Sue, you are one of the most spontaneous and smart people I know! So kudos to you and keep prompting! (We miss you – drop us a note with how you’re doing…) XOXO
Great advice, Pam. Very comprehensive.
I often feel like you’re reading my mind. This is just what I needed! I tried recording a few videos 2 weeks ago and on my final take my daughter walked in . ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I’m ready to go today while everyone is at school, daycare and work. And I’ll be moving the prompter back farther this time. Thanks Pam!
Becky – between two boys, a husband, a dog and a cat, I have definitely suffered from video interruptus. Not to mention lawn mowers, jet planes, deliveries . . . it’s tough to get a quiet time in a home studio. Keep pushing through! I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
LOVE the intro!! Great tips Pam! Thank you.
Kim, thank you! I’ve been trying to inject some humor into these blogs, and I’m glad you noticed. 🙂