Today we’ve got content marketer Robert Rose for 20+ minutes of content marketing strategy gold, as I asked Robert questions about brands that are doing content marketing right, how to set up your content plan for success, and the one question you should be asking yourself when it comes to producing the right content.
Also: never one to shy away from some controversy, I ask Robert his biggest pet peeve when it comes to content marketing.
Meanwhile leave a comment below to let me know which tip from Robert inspired you!
And if you want to pick up Robert’s latest book, click here to get your copy.
Robert Rose is always awesome, and so are you. For me, your content is definitely a product that belies the notion that you get what you pay for.
Thanks so much Ellis! I have learned SO much from Robert over the years and I was thrilled he was able to share some of his wisdom with our community.
The title of the book intrigued me and I’m so glad I took the time to listen to this audio! There were so many content marketing distinctions addressed here! I particularly liked the 4 practical tips and how to reimagine even a typical website function.
Josette, I agree 100%! Robert really understands where content marketing is headed and he breaks it down in a way that’s really accessible. So glad you stopped by to check it out. Thanks for your comment! 🙂
Thank you for the great interview, so many takeaways!
Robert is brilliant. I got his book, thanks! The very basic reminder of “help your clients understand what THEY want to understand” rather than “here’s how great we are” is one of the most important tenets of marketing. And I loved hearing about treating content marketing like product development…because it is. Wonderful interview, as always, Pam!
Thank you Pam, for bringing us this great interview. I take away that our websites must be about them and solutions to their problems more than about us. Also many thanks for providing the transcripts. Sorry to have missed the final MML event but I had to undergo surgery.