Up to 90% of all illnesses are stress-related, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And a lot of times, we put mental or emotional strain on ourselves, which means we can also get ourselves out of our own messes and take back control.
In this video lesson, I give you 5 ways to alleviate stress—because we are in business for ourselves NOT to be stressed the entire time, but to find peace and fulfillment with our personal and professional lives. And the more we can eliminate those burdens on our mind and bodies, the more we are freed up to make real progress with our businesses.
I think these five tips will provide you some practical strategies for getting you out of stress and back to a place of personal joy. Make sure to leave me a comment below to let me know some of the tactics you use to get out of stress and into a place of productivity and joy!
Great tips. I’ve found that writing it down and getting it out of the loop in my head really helps. Then I look at my list and do your step one, and take action on something on the list. It’s amazing how much taking action reduces stress.
And the sleep and breathe tip is so key. It helps get the neurotransmitters replenished so you can think clear and have the energy to take action.
Thanks so much for sharing these!
John, nice to hear from you! Yes, I underrated sleep for the first 20 yeas of my career – since then, I find that I can deal with so much more when I’m rested! (And to think I did my honors thesis on sleep research in college!). More and more research is coming out about the physiologic functions that occur during sleep. LOVE this -you certainly have many tools in your arsenal to combat stress. Hope and trust all is well with you! 🙂
Once I saw the Banish Stress you know I had to watch this one.
Great video.
Steve Palmer
Great tips Pam, mixed with a little irony — sometimes the best way to banish stress is to spend LESS time on your business and MORE time on you. At least that’s what I tell the boss (the guy in the mirror who thinks I’m a slacker if I’m not on 24/7). Sleep is definitely a huge part of that.
Love the reference to the guy in the mirror. I think everyone, at time, struggles with this balance and in a lot of years of doing this, I’ve learned that what equals “balance” or “play” or “work” means different things to different people. I think the question may be, “are you spending your time on the things that matter most to you? are you happy, thriving and making a difference in the ways that matter to you?” This is how we make decisions about what is the best use of time for each of us. Something to think about – thanks for your comment!
Pam, What a Great video. So many simple and applicable truths. You are an AMAZING and INSPIRING woman!!! You have accomplished so much… Good for you. You Go Girl!!!
Peace Be The Journey…
– Victoria Blain-
(Yes… THAT ‘Victoria’ Blain) ;0)
I am so about writing it down. Once I can get it out of my head I can concentrate on me, sleep and all those good things to keep stress-less 🙂
I usually need to get my week organized, at least scheduled on Sunday afternoon, it takes no time at all, but it allows me to relax.