As much as I love running my own business, sometimes I drive myself crazy.
I record what I think is the perfect video, only to realize later that a shadow covered half of my face. I nearly go blind making miniscule changes to a logo that, in the end, no one will notice. And I don’t even want to admit how much money I’ve wasted on technology I don’t use!
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything you need to know and do to grow your business. But the truth is this: There are only 6 things you need to have a successful online business. That’s it!
Check out this week’s video to discover what these 6 things are and how they will give the clarity you need to get better results in your business.
Don’t forget to comment and let me know if you found this video useful, and how you plan to simplify your business. If you have another tool for fighting overwhelm, please share!
This is one of the best videos I watched explaining all the steps with simplicity. Thank you, Pam.
Thanks Abhay, that means a lot! Yes, it’s easy to overcomplicate things (it’s a constant reminder for me) and remember to focus on the things that matter most…
Hi Pam,
Have an idea, several blogs and websites.
Getting blogged down in hosting and maintenance of
WordPress sites.
But this brought it back to me, what I haven’t done.
1. A product! What I want is a membership site to expand and integrate
people who are interested in what I am blogging about, because it is an
on going problem that has “fixes” but no permanet solution.
2. Where I am wavering… should I just somehow add the membership to my Blog
or a different solution! (another related domain)????
Indecision is worse than procrastination! Or is it the cause?
Which ever it is, it means that nothing gets done!
Great video, at least it woke me to my situtation and the fact that something
must be done in order to move forward!
Cararta, thanks for your message! Two things, there can be so many things competing for our attention in our business, it can be hard to take that step back to figure out what’s going to give us the most leverage – so kudos for doing that! I have a free training on membership sites that you can register for and watch here: (and ultimately I have an online training course on membership sites, which you can decide is the right next step for you after the free training). My recommendation as well is to not get hung up on the tech especially when you’re starting – there are several softwares (some pretty inexpensive) that do it all for you – so the focus should be on your messaging. I agree that the challenge with overwhelm is that the tendency can be to not do anything – again I love your awareness of what can take your business to the next level. That is certainly the first step! 🙂
Thanks for this video, Pam! You’re reminding us to tap into our ‘beginner’s mindset’, when we were excited about the people we’d help. My favorite tip: #7 bonus: stay in your positive mindset. So when things go wrong, as they will, we remember–it’s about ‘good enough’; not always perfect.
Thanks Cynthia, this is SO true – it’s about imperfect action, good enough & not perfect! Chris and I just watched “Founder” last night (story of Ray Kroc and McDonald’s) and it’s worth a watch as an entrepreneur. There’s a scene about 20 min where the McDonald brothers are talking about their journey creating the “speedy system” for their concept (which includes mapping out the first ever fast food kitchen on a tennis court – BRILLIANT) – but they launch their concept and it goes wrong several times before they succeed. One of the things that went wrong is they held an evening “launch” event for their grand re-opening, which was going amazingly well until the bright lights attracted about 4,000 flies. I really think that these 4,000 flies are symbolic of all the pieces we can deal with at times as an entrepreneur and this idea that we keep moving forward no matter what is a BIG one. Thanks for sharing!
Great message! So many of the gurus – maybe because the felt they need to teach something new – teach tripwires and extravagant funnels and systems with 20 different steps. Those might be highly effective for people who have big teams and deep pockets to set it up and maintain it, but not practical for beginners, and they get overwhelmed and never start. Thanks!
Susie, thanks for your message! One of my favorite all time quotes is from Coach John Wooden – “It’s what you learn after you ‘know everything’ that really counts.” I love what you’re saying as I think it can become SO easy to get caught up in the shiny object, or advanced marketing tactics and forget about the simple things…which are often the things that customers care about most!
Morning Pam,
Its really impressive to observe the consistant time honoured methods being presented in such clarity and with a consideration towards price points. It puts everything in perspective, in the final outcome the essential steps you have so cleverly articulated is by far the approach we need as we start and for that matter, probably for most of the journey. I particularly appreciate the mention of affilate marketing, co hosting when one wishes to build a list, and the suggestions on emailing programs.
Thanks again,
Hello Pam,
Really enjoy your explanations in an orderly fashion. I have spent so much money on all this online selling process with no sales. I am not a marketer. Still I believe I can do this if I have a system. Your teaching helps.