As this year comes to a close, I wanted to reach out to you and wish you a wonderful holiday season and a very happy New Year.
So much has happened this year that’s filled me with gratitude, and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you and your support. Whether you’ve simply read my emails, left me a comment on my blog, come to an event or invested in one of my products, I’m so grateful for your contribution to my life and business—and I hope to continue to get to know you better in the coming year.
As my way of saying thank you, I filmed a little “fireside chat” video with two of my good friends: Mike Koenigs and Ed Rush. For those of you who don’t know them, Mike is my business partner in Make Market Launch IT and Ed has been a vital force in my product launches over the last two years. They’re two of the smartest guys I know, and they’re among the first people I call when I’m trying to make a business decision or I need a little push in the right direction. 🙂
In our fireside chat, I hope you’ll find both inspiration and some solid strategies to help you take stock of the past year and make 2015 your best year yet:
Love It Love It.. HeartMath Are World Leaders.. The Appreciative Heart..The Psycho physiology Of Positive Emotions and Optimal Functioning.. This i Learned Trust It Will Touch You All Also Yours In Service Derek C Howie Take Care out.