Sometimes, we just need a little push to know that we’re making the right decision, whether it’s buying a new piece of furniture, investing in a new piece of technology, or choosing what school our children should go to—and the same goes for our customers.
We may strongly believe that our product or service will help our customers and make a difference in their lives, but they may need an extra “oomph” to feel confident enough to buy.
You may have had customers who stayed until the end of your webinar, talked with you at length on the phone and then added your product to their shopping cart—only to abandon it forever.
As frustrating as this may be, there is a strategy that you can use to help get customers off the fence and ready to invest in your products and services. I use it every time I make an offer—and it works.
I’ll show what it is in my new video. Click below to watch!
As always, I’d love to hear what you think. Please leave a comment below and let me know what you took away from this video and how this strategy has worked—or hasn’t worked—in your business. I appreciate all of your comments, likes and shares!
Pam, you’re refreshing! Most of the videos that “offer information” provide very little true information, and the “slow talking” drives me crazy! I usually speed videos up to 1.5 speed minimum, but I kept yours at “normal”. The content was worth the time!
#3 is very poignant for me Pam. I now offer LIFETIME (and I know your thoughts on that word) 100% MBG (Money Back Guarantee) if the program doesn’t provide a reward for the client.
Either they are lying or they never needed it in the first place.
Anyone with debt will benefit from using the program. And those who have no debt but look to save money and create wealth for their future will also benefit. But the guarantee means loss of the program and community access as well as other content and benefits.
Thanks Pam, as Nora points out, this is very real and useful information.
As always, thank you Pam. This was great! It never occurred to me to have a different guarantee based on the level of the product. The “do the work” option resonates the most with me, but I know understand I need to consider other options for my MVP.
It also got me thinking that if I’m crystal clear about who the program is for & who it’s not for I “should” have fewer refund requests.
Becky, thanks! Agree on all points and especially the fact that (1) the quality of your content is outstanding (2) you have clarity about your market – both things that will reduce refund requests overall. I have no concern about that for you, but I do think some type of guarantee takes away uncertainty for people who don’t know you looking to buy. Thanks for the comment!
Pam, I must admit that this is the first of your videos that I have watched. I found this to be extremely valuable and insightful. Having worked for large consulting firms for most of my career, I have always been reluctant to provide guarantees as so much depends on whether the client carries through on their commitments. I found your discussion to provide a lot of clarity around what kind of guarantees work in the kind of offerings that most of us have that have our own small business.
Thank you!!
Thanks so much, Keith. Your comment means a lot. I, too, have had career experience in big companies and small so I do think that context affects what the right decision is for each specific situation. What I do in my own business is very different from what I did as part of a larger company. So I agree that understanding that you will likely make different guarantees for different offerings. Thanks again!