As part of my Membership Site Magic course, I’ve been doing a lot of small workshops and I’ve noticed one trend cropping up over and over again.
And you know what? It’s literally KILLING the businesses that my clients are trying to run. (And it’s killing me to watch people do this to themselves.)
Today I’m sharing two lessons to help you overcome this all too common problem, so you can make more progress and get faster results in your business.
Please let me know in the comments section if these lessons resonate with you, or what you did to stop sabotaging your own success.
Most of us need to get past our fears and take action. Then, observe, orient, decide and act again….
Start before you think you are ready.
Great 4-point frameworK: (1) Observe (2) Orient (3) Decide (4) Act Again. Thanks for sharing it Marc! 🙂
Thanks, Pam! I really needed to hear this, and be reminded of how important it is to do things right away, without postponing it, trying to do too much at the same time, or circling around things too long before you dare to take action and learn something, – maybe losing your courage on the way.
That is such a good point about losing your courage Elin, as I think that is what can happen. Certainly, I’ve had many times in my career where I got into “perfection” mode instead of just taking action. Thanks so much for your comment!
Tanks for reminding me of the importance of acting now, Pam! I’m writing too much, waiting too long before acting, and learning too little, too slow. The result is too much to do at the same time, overwhelm and losing courage.
Great message Pam, about getting “enough repetitions”, getting experience, collecting date, making adjustments and continuing forward.
Thanks Miguel, you are definitely someone who gives yourself the repetitions, which is great! 🙂
Fear controls our success.
thanks for pointing this out!
Great ideas are “just” that, ideas. Everyone has them. What separates the dreamers from the doers is execution. Thank you, Pam, for reminding us of this important concept in a relatable style with a simple action exercise. Love it!
Wow! Did I need to hear this “rant”!!!!! THANK YOU, PAM!!
Thanks Pam, always great information. This is timely for where I am now. “Just do It”
Yes, for me, the getting it all right first syndrome steps in although I am pressing passed it. But, it is taking overriding myself to get to just do it!