Want to know what separates the top entrepreneurs from the rest of the field? Simple, really. They read.
In a recent Gallup study of 1,000 entrepreneurs, “knowledge-seeker” made it on a short list of the top 10 qualities of highly successful entrepreneurs. And what better way to seek knowledge but through the power of books.
So today I’ve got three power-house books to add to your summer reading collection. These books can change the way you look at your customers, how you present your content, and whom you spend time with.
Leave me a comment below—you can tell me a takeaway you have gleaned from one of these books, or maybe share your go-to business book—and you will automatically be entered into a raffle to win these books. I’ll announce the winner on my Facebook page in just three days.
Or if you don’t want to wait to see if you won the raffle and want to pick up one of these books today, click below to buy now…
“Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got” by Jay Abraham
“Resonate: Present Visual Stories That Transform Audiences” by Nancy Duarte
“No B.S. Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs” by Dan Kennedy
“The Elements of Style” by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White
I set a goal to read 52 books every single year! Not only for business development, personal development as well. It sets a great example for my kids too!
Great goal! Love this – and agree about the kids!
Great summer reading list. Thanks for sharing the relevancies.
Thanks for the reminder of books to refer back to.
I am familiar with three of the four books in your book list. I have not seen Resonance.
Unlike you, I have stopped reading fiction books due to having too many books and too little time remaining to read them. The greatest impression which I have about books is that many less than are bought are ever read, even casually. I often find older books in like new condition at Goodwill or some other thrift store. I often purchase them for myself or as gifts for friends.
Although content is nearly the same in similar books, it is often expressed differently and resonates with different personalities.
Thanks Pam for starting my weekend with another great blog. I have Saturday morning meetings with my team. When I read your blogs on Saturday mornings, the meetings always go better because I share your thoughts with them
Thanks so much
Classics all. Elements of Style is a must read for anyone who write…which is all of us. Thanks, Pam.
Thanks Pam. I knew 2 of them so thanks for introducing me to the 2 other books.
I guess the books that have had the most impact on me and come first to mind are :
– Tony Robbins : “Awaken the giant within” that I read when I was only 17 and that allowed me to confirm that EVERYTHING I was feeling deep inside was not just my imagination
– Joseph Murphy : I guess the english title must have been something similar to “How to have a successful life” (I read the French translation back then)
– “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill of course
All these Author’s works are well worthwhile, though I’m amazed I don’t own any of those titles exept for Elements Of Style, which now looks older than me. So, you know I’ve had it a long time. : ) It’s saved me embarrassment, for sure.
Ha! I hated “Elements of Style” when I was a kid as my mom always used it to correct me. Now, it’s my go-to and yes my copy is pretty tattered as well, and the pages are starting to crumble. But that is the definition of timeless, right?
Thanks Pam! I love to read, three of my favorite books are “Creating Wealth” by Robert Allen, “Back to Eden” Jethro Kloss and of course “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
I like the ideas shared from J Abraham’s and Resonate – and while I was listening to you I searched and added them to my Amazon cart! Thank you for the share!
Thanks for remind me about this opportunity, dear pam
This was one of my favorite posts Pam! I actually shared this with my daughter who is just beginning here career, it was that good! She and I share a very small house, but we have books and book shelves in nearly every room so your comment about successful people having library’s in their homes caught our attention! I was drawn to Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy’s books, while my daughter was more drawn to “Resonate” and “Elements of Style”. Sounds like it time for one of our trips to Barnes & Noble and then next door to Starbuck’s. Like you and your Mom, we have been visiting the bookstore together since she was a toddler. Thank again Pam, for a great post.
Thanks so much for your comment! Yes, books are the food of life and thrilled you’re passing this gift along to your daughter – thanks so much for sharing!
And drumroll please….Michael Reedy won a copy of each of the books mentioned in this blog! Michael, we’ll get those out to you right away. Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments – I hope this has inspired to do some more summer (or winter, depending on where you live) reading! XO Pam
Thank you for spurring the addition of two books to my library, Pam. For years, “Resonate” and “Elements of Style” have been helpful resources for my content development . I will add your suggested books by Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham. . .and they will be read in active rotation with my current favorite book, “The Art of Impact!”
Thanks, that was fun. I haven’t read either of those but I have the Resonate one sitting on the book shelf as well as her other two. Still wanting to get to those!!
Hi Pam, one of my favorite business books is “The Law of Success” by Napoleon Hill. His ideas are timeless and apply to business today. I also love Multiple Streams of Income” by Robert Allen but there are so many great books it would takes pages to list them all. I have already read “The Elements of Style” but the others are new to me so I’ll be sure to add them to my reading list. Thank you for reminding me that the Boob Tube only reduces our intelligence, but a good book can improve our lives.
Love this comment and the reference to the “boob tube!” – Good choices on the books too! 🙂