As you may know, I’ve been producing a course on Coach John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success for SUCCESS magazine.
This week, I’m going to make it personal. 🙂 I’m going to introduce you to the Pyramid and use it to share my biggest weakness (!) and my biggest strength.
So many big names in sports, media and entertainment—like NBA superstar Bill Walton and best-selling author Ken Blanchard—were massively influenced by Coach’s Pyramid of Success. This week, I’ll show you ONE way you can experience the power of his system for yourself.
But, first, one more true confession: When I started this project, I thought I knew almost everything about product creation—and I thought the Pyramid was just “too complicated.”
However, Coach’s work taught me an important lesson that completely changed the way I looked at simplicity vs. complexity in product creation. I know it will help you make your next product that much more powerful.
Discover all of these new distinctions in my latest video. Just click below to get started!
I want to hear from you! Let me know what you think about my confession. 🙂 Plus, I would love to hear YOUR weakness—and your strength. Remember, we can only build on strengths, so let me hear from you in the comments!
Thank you Pam for this video. I think this one is one of my most favourites of your video blog. And thank you also for the PDF. It is really helpful.
Actually, Self-Control is what I believe is my biggest strength. It has been these few years which has been beneficial for me in my business as well as in my private life. My weakness is in Skill, especially with how Coach Wooden explains. I need to be quicker and more timely in my execution. I think too much and put too much pressure on me wanting to make things “perfect” which sometimes makes me procrastinate. I will work on these 2 things.
I will also reflect on my own frameworks to see if I am making it easy for my students to understand. Like you mention, make it simple for them to understand.
Look forward to the next video blog!
PS Did you charge into your son’s school after Abby ate his homework? 😉
Irene, thanks for your wonderful message – I was thrilled to wake up to your “enthusiasm” (another block that’s one of your strengths!). Knowing you, I think you picked two great blocks and I love your interpretation of Skill. Right on target! P.S. I didn’t charge to the school on the day that Abby ate Ben’s homework, however, I do believe my exact words were “good doggy! good doggy!” 🙂
Pam, your blog content is simple but goes deep with multiple nuggets of gold. Your post is proof that a simple message inspires personal application . Thank you for encouraging us, as business owners, to acknowledge our strengths and areas needing improvement. My strength is in industriousness. My area of improvement is in initiative and thinking on my own. Knowing this, I’m going to go out and fail at something, and make it a great day today!
Susan, so nice to hear from you! Wooden’s work has been transformation for me in so many areas of my business and life and so I’m very excited to share it. I 100% agree that you are crazy (good) industrious! Only a woman who is industrious (and cooperative, and team spirit and alertness), would think to order and send boxers to her husband at the office! You are you because of all the details you put into what you do! XO to you! 🙂
Hi Pam,
Here’s you playing another Big Game! Coach Wooden would have loved it!
Funny what you say about perceiving complexity from the pyramid, even with all the individual elements. One thinking tool I teach is Mind Mapping, and many who look at one for the first time just dismiss it for being confusing. The irony is, once they have an understanding of how to ‘read’ it, they see it’s not only simple but comprehensive- offering a simultaneous Big Picture view plus relevant discrete details. The value is revealed in the willingness to look beyond the first impression at how to decode, or make sense of, the ‘language’ or model. And, I daresay, it’s the same for how we ‘read’ humans too (& Wooden’s Pyramid). A little ‘tickle below the surface’ reveals many precious secrets!
I seem to be a mishmash of his descriptors, but will say that Alertness with intent to make creative connections of value is my strength, with Intentness on achieving goals my weakest. I learn and do to gain mastery and contribute, and really could use amping up my monetization muscle (Competitive Greatness?)
Thanks for your thoughts!
Donna – that is such a good comparison as I agree it’s the same reason people can dismiss mind maps (which I also love). Alertness is a great strength to have – it’s one of my weaker blocks. And, the way Coach describes it, when you develop all of the blocks of the pyramid below it, you’re ready to experience Competitive Greatness. So I think that starting with 1-2 that you want to work on, and then maybe it’s a combination of skill & confidence on top of that which lead to the financial and business results. I love the dialogue around this so thanks for contributing and know that we’ll all be working on our “blocks” right along with you!
Simplicity can give us clarity in overwhelm but it is in the journey of life experience we often learn precisely what we need in the moment. Thank you for sharing your insight and perspective as it always allows me to think and discern what I need right now.
Thank you, Pam, for that video, which carries with it dazzling concepts that accentuate the positives of standard of dedication and methods that are superbly fabulous, full of positivity, really .. it’s a fabulous sharing, full of data, which revive the ways of the great impacts towards more successes and great results, even more, ultra visions that accentuate the sublime ways, Thank you, with great wishes for the great success.