Today we’ve got content marketer Robert Rose for 20+ minutes of content marketing strategy gold, as I asked Robert questions about brands that are doing content marketing right, how to set up your content plan for success, and the one question you should be asking yourself when it comes to producing the right content.
5 Ways to Banish Stress So You Can Spend More Time On Your Business
Up to 90% of all illnesses are stress-related, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And a lot of times, we put mental or emotional strain on ourselves, which means we can also get ourselves out of our own messes and take back control. In this video lesson, I give you 5 ways to alleviate stress
The #1 Mistake You Are Making With Your Content
I have committed many mistakes as a content marketer—I feel like I have my own version of the 7 Deadly Sins! Bad messaging. Poor targeting. Overwhelming my audience. But when it comes to my biggest vice—it’s really none of these things. And it’s something that has robbed me of time, resources AND money.
5 Questions & 1 Word to Turn Action into Success for 2016
Inspiration can strike in the funniest places, so why not store holiday window displays? Take the story of “Wite-Out.” Dallas secretary and single mom Bette Nesmith Graham got the idea for a white, water-based tempera paint to cover up her typing errors while watching painters decorate her bank employer’s windows.