Why aren’t the best products the ones that sell the best? (This goes for books, too!) I used to struggle with this question when I started my business and, I’ll be honest, I got a little resentful. When I finally came to the realization I’ll share in the video—and accepted it as reality—my resentment disappeared, and my sales went up, too. Watch to discover my realization about why good content isn’t enough:
The One Key to Grabbing—and Holding—Your Audience’s Attention
Content without context is a wasted effort. No matter how well-written your blog post is, how many times you’ve rehearsed your webinar or how great your opening animations are, if your audience doesn’t know why they need to be listening to you, they’ll simply tune you out. In other words, telling your audience why you’re delivering this content to them in particular helps them understand why they should care about what you have to say and take time out of their busy day to listen to you.
No Comments, Likes, Views – or Sales? Here’s Why . . .
Have you ever created an awesome new video, then sat back and waited for the views, likes and comments . . . that never showed up? I’ve been there. It’s a bummer. 🙁 For a long time, I thought it was my content. However, when I started analyzing my traffic statistics using tools like Google Analytics, I realized that the real problem was my audience. I just wasn’t getting enough people to my site.
The Power of Story: A Man, His Dog and a Quadrupled Customer List
I want to share a real-life example with you about the power of story and the very real, very tangible outcomes of developing yours for your business. When Andy Falco Jimenez came to Mike Koenigs’ Instant Customer Reinvention event two years ago, he was $70,000 in debt and his house was in foreclosure. The dog training business he had run for 25 years, Falco K9 Academy, was not bringing in enough income to support his family, and he had no idea how he was going to get through the next month. In fact, he’d only been able to attend the […]