As important as it is to have an arsenal of effective strategies to create your content, build your product, market effectively and deliver impeccably, it’s also essential to understand the pitfalls to avoid along the way.
The Start of a Beautiful Journey . . . (And One That Kicked Ass, Too)
Recently, I was talking to friend of mine who I highly respect in the Internet Marketing community. We were talking about the importance of both efficiency and effectiveness in running a business, which led this person to ask me how I came to work with Tony Robbins and his company for what has now been 20 years.
What I Learned from a High School Chemistry Teacher
Okay, so the high school chemistry teacher happens to be my brother, but I interviewed him because he is one of the best teachers I know. I figure if you can reach a bunch of high school students and get them to actually like chemistry (to the point where several went on to major in it in college), you have something on most people out there teaching in the personal and professional improvement industry.
“Forget About the Losses, You Exaggerate the Wins” – Jackson Browne
Anyone with children clearly knows that they are in our lives to teach us, not the other way around. Our youngest, who’s five, played football for the first time this fall. It was so much more intense than we could ever imagine. In addition to the 7:30 am arrival time for Saturday morning games that were often 45 min away, our little Ben was consistently out there blocking kids twice his size.